Searching for the Right Job
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Searching for the Right Job

Searching for the Right Job

Searching for the Right Job

Searching for the Right Job

Know Thyself

It is often impossible to tell if your future job would be a perfect fit. The key is to prioritise what you really seek in a job, and how you can contribute. Some people are driven by achievements and opportunities to advance; while others thrive better in a stable and routine environment. Psychologist Heidi Grant Halvorson said, people can either focus their goals on stepping stones to success (promotion-focused) or pillars of security (prevention-focused).

Congrats! After years of pulling all-nighters and rushing through assignments, you can finally throw your mortarboard in the air and bid goodbye to academia. Now comes the next hurdle – finding the right job.

In a perfect world, the ‘right job’ means that you get to do what you love, maintain a work-life balance, have great colleagues and earn big bucks at the same time. In reality, you may have to compromise on one (or more) of these factors.

Once you have identified where your focus lies, you might have a clearer idea of where you would fit into different careers or organisations. For instance, people looking for advancement and learning opportunities can consider entering fast-paced and rapidly-evolving industries, such as technology and media. If you want stability and security, perhaps teaching or accounting might just be right for you.

You can also get on a personality test like Myers-Briggs and choose a career based on your personality type. For example, INFJ types, who are known to be intuitive and compassionate, may find job satisfaction as teachers, doctors or social workers. There are many online job profilers that make use of various personality models to help you identify what career is best for you.

Do Your Research

Doing research on potential employers should not be limited to browsing their corporate websites. Take a step further and find out what others have to say about the organisation. Talk to friends, family and people in the industry to gain more insight and inquire about job openings. At job interviews, ask in-depth questions about a company’s culture, opportunities for growth and overall satisfaction rate.

Some companies offer short internships or training stints to see if a potential employee would make a good fit. Such first-hand experiences also allow you to determine if the company is right for you.

What Is Right to You

A job may offer a high salary, short commute and other staff benefits, but you might be unhappy in the long run if it does not suit your personality and goals. With that said, not everyone decides to pursue their passion as a career. Some people are perfectly fine doing a stable, mundane job if it means getting to pursue their interests outside of work. Follow your instincts and focus on what you really want. There is no such thing as a perfect job – only one that is right for you.