Information Technology
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Information Technology

Information Technology

As one of the world’s most network-ready countries, Singapore boasts a robust and flourishing IT sector. The rapid advancement of technology means that a career IT is full of discovery and experimentation. While IT jobs can be rather demanding and entail plenty of responsibility, they are also diverse and highly rewarding.

Why Join the IT Industry?

People often associate IT jobs with long hours on the computer. While this is not entirely untrue, an IT job does involve a lot more than that. There are plenty of growth opportunities in the IT sector, especially in data analytics, cloud computing, cyber security, mobile solutions, and social media. You can choose to work at companies specialising in software development, telecommunications, technology services or hardware manufacturing. As most businesses today rely on technology to operate and succeed, in-house IT departments are also rapidly expanding.

Jobs In the IT Sector

Programmer or Software Engineer/Developer

Software engineers typically design and program system-level software, such as operating, database and embedded systems. Besides technical work, they also talk to clients to assess and determine solutions or systems to be implemented.

Technical Support (i.e. Helpdesk)

Known as professional troubleshooters, technical support specialists are the problem solvers of the IT world. They usually monitor, support and maintain workplace technology and respond to user help requests.

Network Engineer

This highly technical role generally involves the set-up, administration, maintenance and upgrade of communication systems and area networks for a company. Network engineers also handle data storage and security, and devise disaster recovery strategies.

Application Developer

App developers design, build, test and program applications for mobile phones, accounting software, office suites or graphics software. They translate software commands into workable programming code, and maintain and develop programs for business usage.

IT Administrator

This job entails investigating and diagnosing network problems, compiling IT usage statistics, and configuring IT solutions. IT administrators can sometimes act as the company’s Internet police, as they monitor web and email usage to make sure that staff are behaving.

TOP 4 Skill Sets In It

1. Mobile Development

The popularity of mobile development should not come as a surprise for anybody. After all, smartphone penetration in Singapore has been reported to be the highest globally. There is a major market for mobile application developers, and this demand is unlikely to go away anytime soon. As a Mobile Application Developer, you are responsible for creating programs used on mobile devices – be it a casual game for people to entertain themselves with or an app that helps users track their calories.

2. Network Engineering

The desire for higher Internet speeds and better connectivity cannot be understated. In today’s busy environment, people want things fast and without interruptions. This is where the field of network engineering comes in. The responsibility of Network Engineers is to support and maintain the infrastructure and security of networks to increase resourcefulness and overall performance. Network engineering is all about constant upgrading, so this field is most suited for problem-solvers with a thirst for efficiency.

3. Cybersecurity

Security is an aspect that is vital in the digital age. Having any form of confidential information fall into the wrong hands might lead to repercussions. Without security, people and businesses will not feel safe to conduct their operations online. Enter cybersecurity specialists, who safeguard things such as information assets, customer data, financial information, and other critical IT information. It is their responsibility to be vigilant and make sure that all important data is kept safe from any threats, so consider this trade if you are someone who takes pride in keeping things secure.

4. User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design

Whether it is the video games we play, the mobile apps we use, or the websites that we browse, nothing is more important than the user experience. No matter how sleek a website or application looks, it all goes to waste if people are not provided with a user-friendly experience. UI and UX Designers are the ones who consider the end user’s ease of use, efficiency, and general experience of interfacing with a system. Basically, it is their job to make things as intuitive as possible. If you possess a passion for both design and technical skills, then UI/UX design might just be the field for you.